性别: 男
年龄: 28岁
经验: 4年
手机: 159****9181
邮箱: 829864876@qq.com
意向: 投资银行业务
学历: 本科
教育背景 |
2008/09 - 2013/06
本科 - 土木工程
工作经历 |
2013/10 - 至今
- Manage mid-sized audit engagements, in charge of risk assessment and audit planning, supervise
junior associates, review working papers and oversee team progress, prepare cash flow statements, draft audit reports, maintain communication with client on issues of significance - Experience in more than 60 engagements, including IFRS, US-GAAP and IPO audits, familiar with accounting practices and business models of multiple industries, e.g. manufacturing, microelectronics, pharmaceutical, TMT, entertainment, chemistry, retail, etc. |
自我评价 |
Senior Associate at PwC, CICPA, Tongji University, speaks English, Japanese, French and German.