4+ years' experience in Intellectual Property protection field and 5 years' working experience as technical sales engineer. Good knowledge and experience of IP protection including trademark, patent, copyright, etc. Be familiar with the trend and development of IP protection in China. Closely execute programs and projects based on global/regional IP strategies and local market's requirements.
Participate in numbers of field investigations, on-site enforcement actions, trade fair monitoring, and border Customs protection, trainings as well as on-line infringement monitoring & complaints. Be proficient in communicating with internal staff/different business units or departments, external resources such as law firm, IP agency, and law enforcement authority, etc., regarding various IP infringement issues and other IP cases/topics. Cooperate with head quarter periodically to run IP program/project/special case, etc.
1. 独立性强,具有管理经验,独立带领团队完成项目的经验,有独立提案能力,喜欢让老板和客户做选择题而不是问答题。
2. 多元化行业背景,物流业,食品业,互联网,金融,汽车,零售服务等行业都有涉猎。
3. 创造力强,有独立活动策划经验(包括行业会议/培训/推介会等),深厚的文案功底以及会议产品设计,包装以及运营经验。
4. 熟悉市场推广方式,了解SEO,有丰富的媒体资源交换经验。
5. 熟悉新媒体运营,管理过企业微信公众号,定期筹备线上线下活动,增加粉丝转化率。
6. 熟练运用office软件,熟练运用PPT制作各种项目方案。
7. 学习能力强,适应速度块,对市场,运营,线上线下活动,SEO,SAE都有浓厚兴趣并有独到见解。